Andeana Hats is proud to be an on-going featured vendor in La Cosecha, a contemporary marketplace in Washington D.C. celebrating Latin American culture and conversation, by telling the stories that unite the Americas: love of family, community and life; pride...
As a small, women owned company, nothing makes us happier than an opportunity to partner with other independent brands with like-minded values. Salt & Sundry is a lifestyle boutique based in Washington, DC that features an eclectic mix of goods...
Another addition to our Women At Work series, we had Stephanie Harrison join us from Global Goods Partners. This e-commerce shopping site is focused on bridging gaps, opening doors and providing opportunities for artisan women to join the international marketplace. Global Goods...
I think as a country, Peru literally has it all; beauty, a deep rich history, mystery, adventure, dramatic and diverse landscapes, unimaginable architectural feats, wildlife, bright vibrant people and clothing, and amazing food, quite arguably the best food in the...
Someone once asked me to list all of the best moments of my life and I had never stopped to think about that question before. But as I started naming them I realized every single one of them was tied...
Textiles from the Sacred Valley aren’t just beautiful fabric—they tell a vibrant history of the Incas. Weavers are really just storytellers. Each of our Andean intention straps tell their own story and have their own meaning. They are yours...
In the Quechua language, “chakana” is a blend of two words “chaka” meaning bridge and “hanan” meaning tall. The Inca believed that the Chakana was a bridge between the three worlds; the world of Gods or what we think of as Heaven, the world of Man; or Earth, and the world of the Dead; or the spiritual realm, which is why each side of the chakana is a 3-stepped pyramid.